Before the coaching
Some clients thought the Efficiency Coaching wasn't for
Thats what they said before becoming our clients
What our clients will tell you about us
One of the benefits of the Efficiency Coaching
How much more can you get done?
An important result of the Efficiency Coaching
Efficiency Coaching improves staff motivation

How the Effiziency Coaching improves the personal life
A systematic upgrade for your mind
Why the Efficiency Coaching is the preferred choice
Is the Efficiency Coaching a good investment for you?
Do our clients feel comfortable recommending us?
Are the results of the Efficiency Coaching sustainable?
It Has Led to More Efficient
training has also led to a more efficient staff. I have
implemented the system throughout the whole firm. Some of
the staff resisted at first but they are realizing the system
works and are starting to appreciate it. Now, each of the
staff looks for opportunities to be more efficient and practice
using the system."
Gilliland, CPA, Gilliland & Associates, Falls Church,
VA, 22043
training and system have shown me how to make the best use
of my time and that of my employees so that the Company
can grow."
Smith, Owner, Kentucky Log Homes, Lawrenceburg, KY, 40342
received Efficiency Management System Coaching from Gerhard
B. Schwandt in the summer of 2006. As a Director of the
American Red Cross, I have responsibility for the Development
Resources unit (staff of 33), which is part of a larger
department of approximately 200 employees in National Headquarters.
With the amount of information flowing in and out of my
office and the number of areas under my jurisdiction, it
has been challenging to organize and manage all the conflicting
priorities. Working with Gerhard was very informative and
empowering. He adapted his organizational systems to structure
my workload and the demands on my time. He addressed my
particular issues (overflowing email and numerous direct
reports to manage) and challenges and provided methods and
policies to order my daily work. Throughout our sessions,
he was encouraging and supportive. At the end of our meetings,
I was surprised and please to find that I had, for the first
time in my career, a method to organize the chaos and a
clean desk at the end of the day."
Bonner, Director of Development Resources, American Red
Cross National, HQ, Washington, DC 20006
results of my participation in Gerhard's Efficiency Management
System Coaching are tangible and have greatly improved my
professional efficiencies. I am impressed with the improvements
we've been able to accomplish in the short time we've worked
together. I am a more productive employee at work and can
more easily let go of office thoughts at home because I
feel confident that projects are under control. I recommend
the Efficiency Management System Coaching to anyone looking
to gain more control over his/her workload. Thanks Gerhard!"
Minix Bagnall, Manager, American Red Cross National HQ,
Washington, DC 20006
Partners International, Inc.
2907 Dover Lane Ste. 203, Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone/Fax: (703) 666.8160
Cell: 202.413.0856
an E-Mail
a successful business is more than just being in the right
place at the right time with the right service or product.
about learning how your business flows, how your systems
need to work to help you build and achieve.
you haven't made an appointment yet to speak to an Efficiency
then contact us and get started moving in the right direction.