Before the coaching
Some clients thought the Efficiency Coaching wasn't for
Thats what they said before becoming our clients
What our clients will tell you about us
One of the benefits of the Efficiency Coaching
How much more can you get done?
An important result of the Efficiency Coaching
Efficiency Coaching improves staff motivation
How the Effiziency Coaching improves the personal life
A systematic upgrade for your mind
Why the Efficiency Coaching is the preferred choice
Is the Efficiency Coaching a good investment for you?

Do our clients feel comfortable recommending us?
Are the results of the Efficiency Coaching sustainable?
This Was Worth More Than What
I Paid For It
say that the executive coaching improved my business would
be a drastic understatement. There is no value that could
be placed on the change it has made in my business and life."
Davis, Tree Care Inc., Troy, OH, 45373
is the best coach I have ever had. I am literally a new
person in terms of my organizational skills. As I told a
friend, he was worth more than I paid, because he did what
he said he would do, and more! Gerhard gets RESULTS!!!"
Jolley, Willie Jolley Worldwide, Washington, DC 20011
learning experience got much more than expected and worth
every penny."
Karen Schellack, D.C., Network Wellness Center, Cottonwood,
AZ, 86326
want to thank you for transforming my leadership and management
of a large and complex fundraising operation. As the Vice
President for Strategic Fundraising, I directly oversee
66 people, am responsible for raising over $100M per year
and interact regularly with senior leaders, high level volunteers
and over 800 chapters across the country. As you can imagine,
I am inundated with emails, phone messages, urgent requests,
and non-stop meetings each requiring follow-up tasks. The
hours were long and I felt always behind. I never had time
to breathe and manage it all, let alone lead our operation
with strategy and thoughtfulness.
our work together, I can honestly say that even though the
outside pressure and inundation have not changed, I am more
able to flow through my day thanks to the system you helped
me design. At any point I might get off-track due to the
sheer influx of activity, but I now have the tools and systems
to easily re-adjust and get re-centered. I feel more in
charge, and feel much more of a leader now than just a manager.
Colleagues around me notice the difference, and I feel the
difference in my own core energy. Most important, during
a time of increased change and transition for my unit due
to several leadership changes above me, I have been able
to help my department stay on target with our daily work
and have continued fundraising success. I highly recommend
your methodology for increased efficiency and maximizing
one's goal."
E. Loehr, VP Strategic Fundraising, American Red Cross National
HQ, Washington, DC 20006
Partners International, Inc.
2907 Dover Lane Ste. 203, Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone/Fax: (703) 666.8160
Cell: 202.413.0856
an E-Mail
a successful business is more than just being in the right
place at the right time with the right service or product.
about learning how your business flows, how your systems
need to work to help you build and achieve.
you haven't made an appointment yet to speak to an Efficiency
then contact us and get started moving in the right direction.