I Have Been Able to Stay on
the Efficiency Coaching really gave me a grip on my priorities
and has allowed me to control all my jobs. I no longer feel
that I have to hold everything in my head and wonder if
I should be doing this or that."
Eric Berg, D.C., The Health & Wellness Center, Alexandria,
VA, 22312
I have finally taken complete charge of the clinic as an
administrator and executive instead of as a Veterinarian.
It makes all the difference in the world when it comes to
running the business end of things. This is a VERY workable
system that I recommend to any business owner or executive.
My efficiency has gone way up and there are no more piles
of backlogs anywhere. Neither will there be any in the future."
Davis, DVM, Troy Animal Hospital/Bird Clinic, Troy, OH,
find my efficiency has greatly improved and
any backlog in my office is being handled promptly. I find
now when I get something that I need to do, instead of putting
it off for later I do it right then so as to not create
backlogs, I even find Im doing that at home. My office
is much more organized and clutter free. We set up projects
to get done in the office and the nice thing is they are
getting done. I found I was carrying a lot in my head -
things I needed to do or needed to complete. Now, Im
doing that and actually writing it down and its actually
getting done."
Kathryn Thompson, D.C., Vienna, VA, 22180
have a system now which allows me to know immediately how
much work I have and in which areas of my business it falls
- consulting, finance and administration, marketing and
business development, etc. The clarity is terrific. Not
only do I have more time to build my business, but I have
also more time off!"
J. Choi, Groupforward LLC, Alexandria, VA, 22312
guided steps to clear away the backlog papers, filing, unwanted
files, important documents and to take care of now my work
flows in and out of my office were exactly what I needed.
I have been working in the most efficient manner and loving
Shomo, Chesapeake Academy of N. VA, Springfield, VA 22151